News & Updates

21.06.2020: Rostoics 1.6-36 released (App Store)
            Dark Mode is now available and can be enabled by App, or by System settings.
            Added support for Corendon Dutch Airlines (CD/CND). Stability was further
            improved and code was optimized in order to enhance user interface experience.
      new : added Airline - Corendon Dutch Airlines (CD/CND)
      new : [ Settings ] added Enable Dark Mode switch
   change : [ Roster ] Roster tab active only if roster was previously downloaded
   change : [ Settings ] Changed color of enabled switches
      fix : many fixes and improvements

10.06.2020: Rostoics 1.5.1-34 released (App Store)
            Stability was further improved, making Rostoics even more useful and user
            friendly. Code was optimized in order to enhance user interface response
            experience. Now, Generate calendar events gives the user the option to
            replace any existing Rostoics event for the given period and chosen
            calendar. This avoids cluttering the calendar with obsolete outdated events.
            This feature makes sure you always have the most recent events in your
      new : [ Settings ] Replace existing calendar events added
   change : [ Manage ] Generate calendar events code improved
   change : [ Manage ] [ Info ] change from continuously turning to remaining time progress indicator
      fix : [ Roster ] correct presentation of CrewLink notification
      fix : reduce badge number by one after successful CrewLink notification confirmation

02.08.2019 : Rostoics 1.0.0-5 released (App Store)
      code : Manage tab
             Start date / End date order algorithm changed.
      code : Manage tab
             rostoics (DH) server basename format including version & build.
             (e.g. 1564685846623_iOS-0-0.4-4.pdf)
      code : TLCs tab
             TLC background download (if required) and local storage.
      code : TLCs tab
             TLC view reloaded if changing connectivity from offline to online.
             real-time update if data becomes available.

29.07.2019 : Rostoics 0.0.3-3 released (beta testers only)
       fix : Manage tab
             'Generate calendar events' button bug w/ partial import.
       fix : Settings tab > Misc section > About
             text ident formatting corrected.
    change : Settings tab > Privacy section >
             'Show own details in TLC list' radio button removed.
       add : Manage tab
             'Download today's roster' button added.

24.07.2019 : Rostoics 0.0.2-2 released (beta testers only)
       fix : Manage tab
             'Generate calendar events' code now shows proper SVProgressHUDs.
       add : statusOnline code implemented using delegates.
       add : TLCs tab
             enable/disable implemented as per statusOnline.
       add : Info tab
             'User authenticated' implemented.
      code : skipped TLCs implemented.

02.07.2019 : Rostoics 0.0.1-1 released (beta testers only)
             first release.